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Current status of powder injection molding mold market development

It has only been nearly 30 years since my country’s powder injection molding molds have completed the transformation from auxiliary tools to products. The injection molding mold industry is still a young industry and a sunrise industry. With the development of industry, the market competition in this industry has become increasingly fierce, and as a result, market drawbacks have emerged, affecting the normal development of the industry.

At present, there are various problems in the entire powder injection molding mold market. The main reasons are three aspects:

First, the functional departments of governments at all levels do not understand the entire injection molding mold market well enough. They only focus on the financial contribution of injection molding mold enterprises to the local area, but ignore the characteristics of the industry. If injection molding molds do not take the route of specialization and standardization, it will bring great hidden dangers to the sustainable development of the national economy;

Second, it is precisely because powder injection molding molds are a sunrise industry that the companies participating in the competition in this industry are becoming increasingly fierce. At present, the industry is mainly composed of private and converted injection molding mold companies. After two or three decades of market struggle, there are some successful companies, but more are in the start-up stage of entrepreneurship, that is, the stage of capital accumulation and experience accumulation, and it is difficult to take into account deeper considerations and actions. Although many companies also have ten, twenty or even longer-term corporate development plans, this plan does not match the current status of my country’s injection molding mold companies and their own development space, so it is more of a theory and difficult to implement;

Third. Injection molding mold companies are facing many crises. Driven by the slogan of maximizing profits, many companies are scrambling for the market by any means, disrupting the normal market operation order and the market price system, thus further hindering the specialized production and standardized promotion of injection molding molds in my country.

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